Name one thing you’d like to see on modern warfare 2

Name one thing I’d like to see in modern warfare 2. Infinity ward have been putting twitter to good use recently. They have developed a twitter web app that is used to track conversations and feedback relating to MW2.

#MW2 is the official hashtag for modern warfare 2, this means when a new question is asked all you have to do is tweet your answear with the tag #MW2 and your suggestions/feedback will be tracked, and added to the live feed on:
Here you can also see other peoples feedback and rate each suggestion.
You can see the new questions by following
Http://twitter.zerotwofour and on the live feed on infinity wards twitter

  1. more guns and cooler different weather maps or different day times like in world at war

  2. The ability to customize your character for each side in different games (US, SAS, etc.,). Within realistic standards. Or not. It really doesn’t matter as long as you include a Gas mask, Ghillie suit, and a comically over-sized helmet that droops over the character’s eyes.

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